Tuesday 8 December 2020

List of Most Industrialized Nations in South America.....

The following tables covers the list of Latin American and Caribbean countries by Human Development Index as released by the United Nations Development Program's Human Development Report.....


The Human Development Index (HDI) is a comparative measure of life expectancy, literacy, education and standards of living for regions worldwide.

Countries fall into four broad categories based on their HDI: very high (for developed countries), high and medium (for developing countries) and low (for least developing countries).

Human Development Index

The table below presents the latest Human Development Index (HDI) for countries in Latin America and the Caribbean as included in a United Nations Development Programme's Human Development Report (released in 2019). 


Previous HDI values and rankings are retroactively recalculated using the same updated data sets and current methodologies, as presented in Table 2 of the Statistical Annex of the Human Development Report. 


The HDI rankings and values in the 2019 Human Development Report cannot therefore be compared directly to HDI rankings and values published in previous Human Development Reports.

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