Monday, 9 November 2020

Clean Energy Economy.....

Improving technology has dramatically reduced the cost of wind and solar in recent years, and jobs in the clean energy sector are growing at a clip that far surpasses the overall employment rate.....

New clean energy technologies that are cheaper, more efficient, reliable, and sustainable are reaching cost levels lower than traditional fossil fuels and are disrupting the traditional power market. Utilities, investors, and policy makers are seeing market and economic forces changing the energy landscape. Clean energy sources are already competitive with fossil fuels in many cases throughout the United States and world.

NextGen Climate America released an economic analysis by ICF International based on data from E3’s Pathways to Deep Decarbonization in the United States report, showing that as a nation meeting carbon emissions reduction goals will help grow our economy, create millions of jobs, increase household disposable incomes, and lower energy bills.

Key findings of the report are that a clean energy economy will:

  •     create more than 1 million additional jobs by 2030 and up to 2 million jobs in 2050 nationally, including 1.2 million additional jobs in the construction sector;
  •     increase U.S. GDP by $145 billion, or 0.6%, in 2030 and by $290 billion, or 0.9%, in 2050 compared to the reference case;
  •     increase household disposable income by $350-$400 in 2030 and by as much as $650 in 2050;
  •     save families $5.3 billion on energy bills in 2030 and $41 billion in 2050.

The economic analysis confirms that transitioning to clean energy isn’t just good for the environment—it is also a key to job creation and to ensuring a prosperous economic future for our country.

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