Wednesday 21 October 2020

Top 10 Skills of 2025.....

The pandemic has sped up job displacement from automation, with more than 85 million jobs lost across 26 countries by 2025. That means in just five years the time spent by humans and machines will be equal.....
The Future of Jobs

"We're seeing a double disruption of jobs," Zahidi explained. "But there is reason to be optimistic."
At the same time, 97 million jobs will be created that are adapted to the new division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms. So, if you’re job hunting, keep an eye on roles in areas including data, AI, digital marketing and information security.


"The future of works is digital," Kimbrough said. "But it's also human."
Displaced workers during COVID-19 have been mostly female, younger and had a lower wage.


"When there were shutdowns, it seemed to be posing a disproportionate burden on women," Kimbrough said. "Uncertainty was a factor. Additional childcare, eldercare, disruption in the routine meant that they were burdened."
Remote work is here to stay. Most employers, 84%, are set to rapidly digitalize working processes, and employers say there is the potential to move 44% of their workforce to operate remotely. Almost 4 in 5 business leaders expect some negative impact of remote working on worker productivity.


There’s an urgent need for reskilling. Forty percent of current workers’ core skills are expected to change in the next five years, which means… half of all workers will need reskilling by 2025. Two-thirds of surveyed employers expect to see a return on investment in reskilling in a year.


Since March, 23 million new learners have joined the Coursera platform, Sands said. "What fascinates me is the opportunity for business, governments and educators to come together in the reskilling revolution," she said. "We need to come together to provide training, especially to the most disadvantaged."

Top 10 Skills of 2025

  • Analytical thinking and Innovation
  • Active learning and learning Strategies
  • Complex problem-solving
  • Critical thinking and Analysis
  • Creativity,Originality and Initiative
  • Leadership and Social Influence
  • Technology use,monitoring and control
  • Technology design and programmimg
  • Resilience,stress tolerance and Flexibility
  • Reasoning,problem - solving and ideation. 


The report asks us to look in the mirror and ask the big questions, Ekhtiari said. "That’s going to require those in governments, companies and societies to make shifts in mindsets, policies and actions.”

“Humans aren’t just widgets that we can put into jobs,” he said. “Their interests and passions matter when they chose what transition path they want to take.”

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