Tuesday 27 October 2020


It is fairly common that we see news reports in the media of violent public protests in many parts of the  world...... 


The  protests  in  the  United States  around  police brutality allegedly targeting  black  citizens,  the  protests  in South  Africa  relating  to  poor service delivery, the killings in Nigeria  by members  of  the military,   the   many   student protests    over    a    range    of grievances,are just a few of the numerous examples.Even  the  restrictions  on movement   imposed   by the  threats  of  COVID-19 infections are not sufficient  to  reduce  the incidence of violent protests  which  often  result  in  loss  of  lives,  destruction  of property and untold hardship for many.


Any  action  designed  to  damage  or  destroy  valuable  resources,  or  life,  is  drastic.  In  most  cases  the action  is  planned. The organizers  are  hoping  for  a specific outcome. Violent  protests  are  often orchestrated  by people  who  have  a definite agenda.  The “brains” behind the action  find  willing participants, and select the circumstances that lead to confrontation.They find people who are willing (or desperate enough)to put themselves at risk for the “cause”. Frequently the organizers are either in  a  safe  zone,  or  not  present  at  all.


The author  argues  that  most  leaders who are  confronted  with having to deal with the violent protests are aware of these realities.Whether or not the intended outcomes are achieved is often unpredictable. The reality is that violence begets  violence,  and  the  severity  of  the  response  by  those  who  are  threatened  can  often  not  be foreseen. So, in terms of achievement of objectives, violent protest is often a risky strategy.The “cause”is usually focused on issues that affect a lot of people, like student fees,unemployment, lack of housing for the poor, inadequate service delivery by government entities, group discrimination, HIV-aids  treatment. 


Governments have  a  responsibility  to  address  these  issues,  and  therefore,  the way these protests are managed can have huge impact on the credibility of the leaders. After all, it is  the leaders’ role to give instructions to law-enforcement agencies such as the police or army to deal with the  protests.The authorities that have to “manage” these protests usually recognize this.It  is their task to deal with the protests in such a way as to minimize residual damage.


However, if that is all they attempt to do, containing the destruction, the author argues that they are failing as leaders.An analysis of the way these protests are often dealt with gives the impression that the  leaders  consider  them  an  irritable  interruption to a “normal”business routine.  After  all,  the leaders have to deal with VERY IMPORTANT issues, such as re-building an economy that has taken a massive knock due to the pandemic, preparing for the next election or devising strategies on how to create new jobs. There is a host of PRIORITY issues that demand their attention.


This is where leadership skill is tested. If handled poorly, the protests can mean the end of the leader’s tenure, if not his/her career. On the other hand, if handled judiciously, the protest can be a stepping stone to progress.For a person, such as those taking part in the violent protest, to put their bodies in the firing line, the issue for which they do this, must be VERY SERIOUS.Leaders need to recognize this, and they ignore this at their peril.So,what are some of the techniques that will lead to positive outcomes?It needs to be acknowledged, that the issue that sets off a violent protest is SERIOUS.The violence needs to be contained as soon as possible, but in a disciplined, humane manner. Most importantly,the issue CANNOT BE IGNORED.


 It will  have  to  be  addressed.  Mechanisms and  structures need  to  be  put  in  place  whereby  affected parties  have  the  opportunity  to  get  their  grievances  heard.  This  is  often  the  difference  between “fighting fires”and finding a long-term solution, and reflects the quality of leadership.While violent protests, unfortunately,are part of our current reality,careful thought and investigation regarding the causes, as well as the long-term implications if they are not resolved, is needed.

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