Monday 26 October 2020

Enterprise Architecture and Tech Debt.....

Architects must assess the changed needs of the business, – customers, staff, supply chain and identify efficient technology to support those new requirements.....


There is opportunity to walk away from legacy technology containing Unplanned Tech Debt that has never been corrected, the result of poor practices or poorly communicated requirements. The move to remote workspace may present the option to discontinue the use of equipment or applications that have become instances of Creeping Tech Debt where features become obsolete, replaced by the better, faster more capable upgrades. 


Or, the applications and operating systems are no longer supported, causing security vulnerabilities. Changes in market dynamics as the customer base struggles to understand their new needs, constraints and opportunities invite architects and product developers to consider incurring Intentional Tech Debt.


By releasing prototypes and minimal viable products (MVPs) customers become partners in product development, helping to build the plane even as it reaches cruising altitude. Architects know this will entail false starts as perceived requirements morph or fade away and require rework as the product matures.

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