Friday 7 February 2020

The British Chambers of Commerce

The British Chambers of Commerce sits at the heart of a unique network of businesses across the UK.....

It is made up of 53 accredited chambers of commerce that champions  businesses, places, and global trade. They represent tens of thousands of businesses of all shapes and sizes, which employ almost six million people across the UK.

They help firms of all sizes to achieve a lot interms of business expansion. We believe it’s our relationships with others that lead us to achieve goals beyond those we could ever achieve alone. We’re the only organisation that helps British businesses to build relationships on every level, in every region and nation of the UK.

Our network exists to support and connect companies, bringing together firms to build new relationships, share best practice, foster new opportunities and provide practical support to help member businesses trade locally, nationally and globally. 

Accredited Chambers of Commerce also provide a respected voice to the business communities they represent, ensuring their priorities and concerns are heard in the corridors of power.Their opinions are regularly sought by policymakers and parliamentarians and we’ve been helping to shape the UK’s business agenda for more than 150 years.

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