Tuesday 20 November 2018

Policies Of The Media.

Policies can take different forms, depending upon whose policies they are, and what they refer to. They may be public or private, official or unofficial, expressed or unexpressed......
Some common types of policies:

Policies of the media.

While some media outlets follow policies that reflect particular political agendas, almost all media, no matter how objective they try to be, make and demonstrate policies by what stories they choose to cover, what features of those stories they choose to emphasize, where they maintain regular bureaus or reporters, and the words and pictures they use to describe what they report.

    Much of the world sees the United States as self-centered and oblivious to the needs and concerns of other nations. This view is bolstered by the general American media policy of covering foreign news only when it directly relates to or involves the United States. 

Many of the major news stories of the past decade - the votes on the European Union, horrific genocide in Rwanda, crucial national elections in Europe and South America and India - went largely uncovered in the US media, and were perceived by much of the American public as therefore unimportant or nonexistent.

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